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How to do a Self-Assessment: 9 Steps

By November 7, 2023February 6th, 2024Job Search
How to do a Self-Assessment in 9 steps

How do to a Self-Assessment: 9 Steps


Embarking on a journey of self-improvement and career development begins with a critical step: Self-Assessment. 

I have already written on the important reasons of why you should assess yourself here, but for now picture this: you’re on a road trip with no map or GPS. You’re navigating through unfamiliar terrain, unsure of where you’re headed. That’s what your career can feel like without self-assessment—a path without direction. You might end up in a job that doesn’t resonate with your strengths or, worse, leaves you unfulfilled. Not only is it a crucial tool for those seeking career development and analyzing progress, the same crucial benefit goes the same mile for students that seek to improve learning or increase their academic performance and motivation. Self-assessment is truly your compass, guiding you through the intricate landscape of your career and life.

Taking the time to understand your strengths and weaknesses can provide clarity, help you set meaningful goals, and pave the way for personal and professional growth. In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of self-assessment and provide a step-by-step approach to help you unlock your potential.

Self-Assessment Step #1: Self-Reflection

Begin your self-assessment journey with introspection. Find a quiet, comfortable space and dedicate time to reflect on your life, career, and experiences. Think about your passions, interests, and the activities that truly engage you. Reflect on what makes you feel accomplished and fulfilled in both your personal and professional life. I truly enjoy helping people with their job search as much as I enjoy solving problems and sales. I can understand and list out what it was that made me engage into things with joy, and as well as the things I did not enjoy. Take your time to look back. Some of you in the early stages identifying and developing your career may not have enough experiences to evaluate yourself, but start with what you have and keep a note to carry throughout your self-discovery.

Step #2: Analyze Past Successes

While on this reflection, pay close attention to your past successes and achievements. These could be accomplishments at work, in your education, or in personal endeavors. Make a list of these successes and, for each one, jot down the specific skills, qualities, or attributes that contributed to your achievement. This will help you identify patterns of strengths that are unique to you. Here are some examples of what to consider as strengths:

  • Goal-Setting

  • Adaptability

  • Problem-solving

  • Leadership

  • Conflict resolution

  • Networking

  • Accountability

  • Information seeking

  • etc.

Step #3: Gather Feedback

In this process, don’t hesitate to seek external perspectives. Self-Awareness consists of what we see of ourselves, and what others see but we don’t. The truth is, we simply don’t know ourselves as we think we do. For example according to a study by Washington University, while we may be better at judging our own neurotic traits (like anxiety), it shows that friends and even strangers often provide better traits such as intelligence and creativity! Reach out to colleagues, friends, mentors, and supervisors. Ask them for candid feedback on your strengths and weaknesses. Their insights can provide a more comprehensive view of your abilities. Make sure to ask questions like, “What do you think I excel at?”, “What do you like most or respect about me?” and “Where do you think I could improve?”

Step #4: Self-Assessment Tools

Consider using self-assessment tools, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) for personality insights or the StrengthsFinder assessment for identifying your top strengths. These tools provide structured assessments and reports to help you gain clarity on your characteristics and capabilities. Here are some of Harvard’s recommended self-assessment tools that will help you articulate what’s important to you.

Step #5: Skills Inventory

Create a detailed skills inventory. Assessing yourself is a measurement of growth and direction- the compass. But skill inventory is categorizing your specific and unique skills into hard (technical) skills like management, accounting or copywriting, and soft (interpersonal) skills like communication, cultural intelligence or organization, etc. For each skill, assess your proficiency and comfort level. Use a scale (e.g., 1 to 5) to rate your competence. This will provide a visual representation of your strengths and areas that need improvement. Here’s an example of a good skills inventory guide from SJSU. Refer to the list of skills here as a part of your inventory.

Step #6: Evaluate Weaknesses

Identify areas where you may have weaknesses or areas for improvement- like the ones you have rated 1 or 2. These could be skills you lack, attributes you find challenging, or tasks you tend to avoid. Be honest with yourself and allow your peers you trust to give you constructive feedback and honest criticisms. Perhaps your weakness IS difficulty asking questions! Here are some examples of weaknesses that can be considered for workplace:

  • Difficulty delegating tasks

  • Nervousness speaking in public

  • Perfectionism

  • Lack of confidence

  • communication

  • Handling criticism

  • etc.

Don’t shy away from acknowledging your weaknesses; this is the first step in addressing them. List out what your weaknesses are with examples and how you plan to address them!

Step #7: Set Clear Goals

Take all the information you have gathered on your self-assessment and set clear and achievable goals. Define what you want to accomplish and where you want to apply your strengths in your career and life. These goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely (SMART). Make a short-term goal accordingly, and then make your long-term objectives and break them down into smaller, achievable goals. For example, if you discover that your strength lies in project management, your goal might be to lead a major project within the next year.

Step #8: Tread the path toward Development

Just as a traveler might seek out new experiences and adventures, you should actively seek development opportunities as I hope you already planned them out in the previous step. Once you’ve identified your weaknesses or areas for improvement, take proactive steps to address them- but make sure you focus as much or more for the development of your strength! Seek out relevant training, courses, or experiences that can help you develop in these areas. This might include enrolling in online courses, attending workshops, or seeking guidance from a mentor. I will mention here that networking with people along the way will be a critical benefit and help for your further career development, so be diligent about it! I will upload a more detailed guide on how to network soon.

Step #9: Continual Assessment

Evaluate again and again over time! Self-assessment is an ongoing process. Ensure that your strengths continue to align with your career goals and aspirations. Review the career objectives- are your plans and choices adjusted and navigated to maximize yourself? It’s important to regularly review and update your self-assessment as your career evolves and you gain new experiences. Your strengths and weaknesses may change over time, and adapting to these changes is key to personal and professional growth.


Self-Assessment isn’t just about aligning your strengths and interests with your career for success and satisfaction- but it is finding where your unique self might be aligned best in our society and how you can best help others along the way! My passion is to serve others by helping them to do better for themselves and their families. Hopefully the insights gained from this process helps to guide your career decisions. 

Self-assessment isn’t easy. It may force ourselves out of our comfort zones or exercise our thoughts in a new challenging way. But you will understand how it is as much important and beneficial it is to all areas of your life.


By dedicating time to self-reflection, analyzing past successes, and actively seeking feedback, you gain valuable insights into your unique strengths. Tools and skills inventories further enhance your understanding, helping you categorize and evaluate your abilities.

Identifying weaknesses isn’t a setback; it’s an opportunity for growth. With clear goals and a commitment to development, you can turn your weaknesses into strengths, further enhancing your career prospects.

As you pursue a career direction or education, remember to regularly revisit and adapt your self-assessment as your career evolves to make sure you’re on the right track- keep your eyes on the compass! As you gain new experiences and skills, your self-awareness will deepen, allowing you to make choices that align with your evolving strengths and aspirations.

About “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”…

Inspired by the insights and the journey of helping more than 200 people finding their job for over 20 years, I wrote this book in my earnest attempt to guide you through the sometimes rocky terrain of career development and job searching. Whether you’re a recent graduate just stepping into the professional world or a seasonal professional seeking new opportunities, my goal is to be your trusted companion on this journey.

At its core, “Yikes!” is a linear, 6 step process roadmap to unlock your career potential. Each person’s career path is unique, and that’s why this book isn’t about one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, it’s a versatile guide that adapts to your circumstances and empowers you to make the most of your career journey.

Through its six steps, this book covers everything from assessing your skills and crafting the perfect resume to mastering LinkedIn, acing interviews, and skillfully negotiating offers. Think of it as your holistic guide to career development, one that recognizes the challenges you may face and provides you with the knowledge and skills to overcome them. We invite you to check out and get yourself a copy of “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job” today!

Matt Ostrofsky | Linear Career Solutions
Author: “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”

About “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”…

Inspired by the insights and the journey of helping more than 200 people finding their job for over 20 years, I wrote this book in my earnest attempt to guide you through the sometimes rocky terrain of career development and job searching. Whether you’re a recent graduate just stepping into the professional world or a seasonal professional seeking new opportunities, my goal is to be your trusted companion on this journey.

Matt Ostrofsky | Linear Career Solutions
Author: “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”

At its core, “Yikes!” is a linear, 6 step process roadmap to unlock your career potential. Each person’s career path is unique, and that’s why this book isn’t about one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, it’s a versatile guide that adapts to your circumstances and empowers you to make the most of your career journey.

Through its six steps, this book covers everything from assessing your skills and crafting the perfect resume to mastering LinkedIn, acing interviews, and skillfully negotiating offers. Think of it as your holistic guide to career development, one that recognizes the challenges you may face and provides you with the knowledge and skills to overcome them. We invite you to check out and get yourself a copy of “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job” today!

Follow the 6-Step Process and Get “Yikes!”

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