Reduce Job Search Anxiety:
Read Yikes! and Follow the
6-Step Process

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Reduce Job Search Anxiety:
Read Yikes! and Follow the
6-Step Process

Don’t let the title throw you…
“Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job” is a
linear, 6-Step Process on how to
execute an efficient job search!
You’ve lost your job, yet the financial responsibilities don’t stop. Food, phone, mortgage, car payments, insurance of all types, and plenty of financial obligations continue. Now you need to start a job search. You want to work smart, not hard, be efficient versus getting sucked into traps. Like I have experienced, you need to know where to begin, how to allocate time, and how to cope. “Yikes!” is the answer….learn to catalog your market value, create a compelling resume, how to use social media, all the way to how to interview, negotiate an offer, and stay engaged with your valuable network!

Don’t let the title throw you…
“Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job” is a linear, 6-Step Process on how to execute an efficient job search!
You’ve lost your job, yet the financial responsibilities don’t stop. Food, phone, mortgage, car payments, insurance of all types, and plenty of financial obligations continue. Now you need to start a job search. You want to work smart, not hard, be efficient versus getting sucked into traps. Like I have experienced, you need to know where to begin, how to allocate time, and how to cope. “Yikes!” is the answer….learn to catalog your market value, create a compelling resume, how to use social media, all the way to how to interview, negotiate an offer, and stay engaged with your valuable network!
Matt helps people in their job search.
helped by Matt
of helping experience
Matt helps people in their job search.
helped by Matt
of helping experience
This has become his avocation. He wrote “Yikes!” because he learned about several areas that trip people up in job search. These lead to negative outcomes due to steep learning curves. Some of areas where skills can be improved by following tenants he preaches are; opportunity evaluation, resume writing/formatting, applying on-line, and preparing for an interview. Through his on-going mentoring he witnessed people experiencing some of the same frustrations and disappointments he experienced in job search. Matt researched and found there is limitless free and fragmented information, but no “linear process” as to how to manage and execute a job search. That motivated him to write “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”. Gainfully employed today, Matt continues to help people better prepare and manage their job search.
Many people blindly apply on-line for opportunities they are not truly experienced or qualified for and get depressed when (literally) they are never contacted. This book will help you work through these issues, recognize traps and pitfalls to avoid, and get your search working at a realistic and optimal level. Following the 6-Step Process will bring order to a chaotic situation and give you peace of mind that you’re working efficiently and smartly.
Contact Matt for interviews, public speaking events, and career assistance.
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