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Networking and Helping Others for Your Career (Why & How!)

By March 14, 2024March 26th, 2024Job Search

Networking and Helping Others for Your Career (Why & How!) | “Yikes!” Presentation Part 6

Here is the final part of the presentation of my book “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job” with and As I wrap up the presentation in this blog, I share some information on the importance of networking for your career development and the payoff of helping others. I have written more personally here from my book, too. Here is Step 6 – Networking & Helping Others:

Gratitude and Extending to Help Others

Finally, the big payoff. Winning at the game of life involves expressing gratitude to everyone who helped you through the process and offering assistance to others in their job search. It can indeed be a lonely, frustrating, and even depressing time. But amidst the challenges, there lies an opportunity—to coach others, share experiences, and be a supportive shoulder to lean on. Mentally, physically, and spiritually, it’s a rewarding journey that I like to call psychic income—the feel-good stuff that may not pay the bills but enriches the soul. Everyone has value, and while it may take time, the right opportunity is out there waiting to be discovered.

Stay Engaged

You must stay engaged with folks in your professional life. Even if it is just an occasional phone call or text. You can drop them a handwritten note or a card. Or you can send them a thoughtful gift—especially if they were instrumental in your career advancement. Something personal is best. Perhaps a book or a picture book on a topic they enjoy. There are plenty on sale at your local bookstore. Maybe a link to an interesting article in a text or email. You just never know when these friends and associates will be of assistance again or need your help. It is a real possibility that as an “at-will” employee, you may need to touch base again to seek job opportunity assistance. You may need to reload your references, seek a referral, or let them know you are looking—again. Yes, this happens all too often in these times. I hate to say it, but experience bears this out. Whether you are a recent college graduate or a mid-career reduction-in-force (RIF) casualty, you will likely go through another job search. Even if you roll the dice and become self-employed. You control your destiny when working for yourself, but small businesses are more likely to fail than succeed. Therefore, stay in touch. Stay networked.

As mentioned in the introduction, the number-one thing you can do in a job search is to speak with people who know you and what you can do! Talk to folks who know your character. People who understand your successes, areas of responsibility, and your work ethic. People who know what you are good at. Improving the quality of networking calls is one skill you have improved upon during this time, so keep the skill sharp. Have fun networking! You now know how to leave a brief, on-point voicemail during which you leave your name and cell number at the end. Leaving a professional voicemail message is a good networking habit. Network like a pro! Plant and nurture relationship seeds.

In the next coming blogs, we will deal with some of the questions and answers to this presentation. See you soon!

About “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”…

Matt helped more than 200 people over more than 20 years. This has become his avocation. He wrote “Yikes!” because he learned about several areas that trip people up in job search. These lead to negative outcomes due to steep learning curves.

Matt researched and found there is limitless free and fragmented information, but no “linear process” as to how to manage and execute a job search. That motivated him to write “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”.  Gainfully employed today, Matt continues to help people better prepare and manage their job search.

Matt Ostrofsky | Linear Career Solutions
Author: “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”

At its core, “Yikes!” is a linear, 6 step process roadmap to unlock your career potential. Each person’s career path is unique, and that’s why this book isn’t about one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, it’s a versatile guide that adapts to your circumstances and empowers you to make the most of your career journey.

Through its six steps, this book covers everything from assessing your skills and crafting the perfect resume to mastering LinkedIn, acing interviews, and skillfully negotiating offers. Think of it as your holistic guide to career development, one that recognizes the challenges you may face and provides you with the knowledge and skills to overcome them. We invite you to check out and get yourself a copy of “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job” today!

About “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”…

Inspired by the insights and the journey of helping more than 200 people finding their job for over 20 years, I wrote this book in my earnest attempt to guide you through the sometimes rocky terrain of career development and job searching. Whether you’re a recent graduate just stepping into the professional world or a seasonal professional seeking new opportunities, my goal is to be your trusted companion on this journey.

At its core, “Yikes!” is a linear, 6 step process roadmap to unlock your career potential. Each person’s career path is unique, and that’s why this book isn’t about one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, it’s a versatile guide that adapts to your circumstances and empowers you to make the most of your career journey.

Through its six steps, this book covers everything from assessing your skills and crafting the perfect resume to mastering LinkedIn, acing interviews, and skillfully negotiating offers. Think of it as your holistic guide to career development, one that recognizes the challenges you may face and provides you with the knowledge and skills to overcome them. We invite you to check out and get yourself a copy of “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job” today!

Matt Ostrofsky | Linear Career Solutions
Author: “Yikes! I’ve Got to Get a Job”

Follow the 6-Step Process and Get “Yikes!”

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